This month’s photo features Aquarian author Anton Chekhov. Most people would agree that he is one of the best short story writers of all time and that he really knew what lurks in the soul of humanity!
This month we can all easily enter into a debate as to whether or not we as a civilization (particularly those of us living in “modernity”) have arrived in the golden age of Aquarius or not. And why not get involved within this kind of astrological speculation? Have we not entered into that month of February that spells a glimmer of something more interesting and profound on the horizon? Perhaps something beyond out wildest dreams will indeed be possible after the frozen winter has passed! My favorite astrology site, none other than Jonathan Cainer’s, recently featured a letter & commentary exchange on the question as to whether we are all already living in the age of Aquarius or not. Some respondents believed that we have been in the Aquarian age for already one thousand years. Others believed that we have yet to enter into this particular time of enlightenment.
This issue of enlightenment is of course very important to all of us humans because the age of Aquarius is supposed to be a powerful time for all of humanity when the global village becomes a flashpoint for growth and a movement towards kindness to all of its members. All of this humanitarian betterment will be aided by new inventions and discoveries with perhaps some weird eccentric behaviors thrown in. This “humanitarianism” should of course extend to our animal cousins as well as all plant life (yeah, I know this sounds idealistic, but the double Libra in me can’t help it!). It remains to be seen, though, how good times get for all living things. The Aquarian age may already be upon us because of electricity, nuclear power, microwave cooking, etc. Don’t make me talk about whether or not this has made life better for all of us, most of us, or any of us.
Aquarius as a sign concentrates on moving forward and into the future towards new and unique interests, solutions, ideas, inventions, and friendships. Aquarius concentrates on the promotion of a steady concern for “the human community” and for the future. Aquarius is all about new innovations and fresh social directions and causes of all sorts. Aquarius is the expansively thinking non-profit fundraising expert continuing to work after hours on that global warming campaign that others have already deemed an impossible goal. Here, then, is the two-sidedness of Aquarius. Though the Aquarian human will work innovatively and tirelessly towards a specific goal to help the far reaches of humanity, he or she may indeed work on this goal “alone in the cubicle” late at night when there is no flesh and blood human community to speak of around. He or she will be working under solitary conditions. This is part of the enigma that is the Aquarian native. The human community would seem to be some outside thing that is “out there” somewhere else. It is out there somewhere and it needs to be supported and improved … but where exactly is that cause celebre that needs all the muscle that the human community can muster? It is elsewhere and the Aquarian native continues to toil away quietly in a dimly lit cubicle towards that goal that influences that “else where”.
The Aquarian will indeed support that humane vision, but generally, the Aquarian will be on a search for that vision and for other visions as well. The Aquarian will not grab a hold of any one issue like a Cancer might and hold on to it come Hell or high water. Instead, the Aquarian will continue pursuing the cause and vision like any fixed sign will, but perhaps it will be put on the back burner for a while. In the meantime there is plenty to do and the gaze of the Aquarian will suddenly move towards another distant light.
If you don’t believe me, one of the ways to test this viewpoint is by photographing as many Aquarians as possible within the company of other astrological signs. Generally, they will not be staring directly into the camera; instead, they will be gazing away towards some distant object outside of the normal field of vision. The question becomes: do they want to avoid the direct contact with the here and the now and of all of the people present? Or is it not about avoidance at all, but about an inner mechanism that has them keying into the future ideal as opposed to the fleshy and tangible here and now? To be sure, the Aquarian is not a bear hugger who will wrestle you to the ground with warmth. Their approach involves more of a cool detachment. Generally they won’t be overly emotional with you either. As an air sign, of course there will be that buoyant lightness to them and they will have many friends from many walks of life.
In the end we all die alone and perhaps Aquarians really, really know this. It seems that Chekhov knew this – just read his biography.
This month we can all easily enter into a debate as to whether or not we as a civilization (particularly those of us living in “modernity”) have arrived in the golden age of Aquarius or not. And why not get involved within this kind of astrological speculation? Have we not entered into that month of February that spells a glimmer of something more interesting and profound on the horizon? Perhaps something beyond out wildest dreams will indeed be possible after the frozen winter has passed! My favorite astrology site, none other than Jonathan Cainer’s, recently featured a letter & commentary exchange on the question as to whether we are all already living in the age of Aquarius or not. Some respondents believed that we have been in the Aquarian age for already one thousand years. Others believed that we have yet to enter into this particular time of enlightenment.
This issue of enlightenment is of course very important to all of us humans because the age of Aquarius is supposed to be a powerful time for all of humanity when the global village becomes a flashpoint for growth and a movement towards kindness to all of its members. All of this humanitarian betterment will be aided by new inventions and discoveries with perhaps some weird eccentric behaviors thrown in. This “humanitarianism” should of course extend to our animal cousins as well as all plant life (yeah, I know this sounds idealistic, but the double Libra in me can’t help it!). It remains to be seen, though, how good times get for all living things. The Aquarian age may already be upon us because of electricity, nuclear power, microwave cooking, etc. Don’t make me talk about whether or not this has made life better for all of us, most of us, or any of us.
Aquarius as a sign concentrates on moving forward and into the future towards new and unique interests, solutions, ideas, inventions, and friendships. Aquarius concentrates on the promotion of a steady concern for “the human community” and for the future. Aquarius is all about new innovations and fresh social directions and causes of all sorts. Aquarius is the expansively thinking non-profit fundraising expert continuing to work after hours on that global warming campaign that others have already deemed an impossible goal. Here, then, is the two-sidedness of Aquarius. Though the Aquarian human will work innovatively and tirelessly towards a specific goal to help the far reaches of humanity, he or she may indeed work on this goal “alone in the cubicle” late at night when there is no flesh and blood human community to speak of around. He or she will be working under solitary conditions. This is part of the enigma that is the Aquarian native. The human community would seem to be some outside thing that is “out there” somewhere else. It is out there somewhere and it needs to be supported and improved … but where exactly is that cause celebre that needs all the muscle that the human community can muster? It is elsewhere and the Aquarian native continues to toil away quietly in a dimly lit cubicle towards that goal that influences that “else where”.
The Aquarian will indeed support that humane vision, but generally, the Aquarian will be on a search for that vision and for other visions as well. The Aquarian will not grab a hold of any one issue like a Cancer might and hold on to it come Hell or high water. Instead, the Aquarian will continue pursuing the cause and vision like any fixed sign will, but perhaps it will be put on the back burner for a while. In the meantime there is plenty to do and the gaze of the Aquarian will suddenly move towards another distant light.
If you don’t believe me, one of the ways to test this viewpoint is by photographing as many Aquarians as possible within the company of other astrological signs. Generally, they will not be staring directly into the camera; instead, they will be gazing away towards some distant object outside of the normal field of vision. The question becomes: do they want to avoid the direct contact with the here and the now and of all of the people present? Or is it not about avoidance at all, but about an inner mechanism that has them keying into the future ideal as opposed to the fleshy and tangible here and now? To be sure, the Aquarian is not a bear hugger who will wrestle you to the ground with warmth. Their approach involves more of a cool detachment. Generally they won’t be overly emotional with you either. As an air sign, of course there will be that buoyant lightness to them and they will have many friends from many walks of life.
In the end we all die alone and perhaps Aquarians really, really know this. It seems that Chekhov knew this – just read his biography.