Finally, soooo finally (!) we have arrived at the end of the 11-sign zodiacal cycle of the seasons / months and now to some degree we in the northern climates will become surrounded by water in all of its incarnations as we arrive at the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. There will be ice, snow, rain, runoffs, hail, sleet, flooding and cute little trickles. March certainly heralds in the time of Pisces in Vermont! During this mystical, mutable and emotional time winter will come and go and so will spring-like days often in the span of only hours. The weather will be shifting from one wet and wild extreme to the next in the blink of an eye. There will be a sense of lovely rejuvenation only to be bogged down again by powerful rains and mildew washing over the streets with a steady clanging. Sidewalks will reappear and then there will be lots of mud dripping everywhere. The sun will shine and then disappear again behind explosive clouds. The flow of Pisces is no light day at a water theme park – at times it will be like the monsoon season in Vietnam. To quote Bob Dylan: “A hard rain is gonna fall.” He may well have been singing about the feelings associated with the sign of Pisces.
To begin from my personal experiences with Pisceans, it is interesting to note that I have had two Piscean mother-in-laws and one Piscean father-in-law. One could argue that this is coincidence, but I like to think that it is to teach me something. The first father-in-law of sorts was an older Finnish guy and he and I did plenty of fishing together. Clichéd as this may be – the man loved the water and fishing. We labored many years together to catch that perfect bass and after it was finally caught, his health began to fail and he soon passed away.
Unfortunately, I never got a chance to meet my other father-in-law because he passed before my time, although I have seen video footage of him.
OK, so these moms-in-law both have dead husbands, yet they go on in life with happy vitality albeit their lonely moments. Women usually outlive men, which should render the whole grieving thing about the inevitable nonsensical (or “illogical” as Mr. Spock would say), but alas wives will of course grieve for that which has passed away. My sense of these Piscean widows is that they are able to grieve heavily and then to move on. Deaths of loved ones to them are painful, but I am inclined to think that in their final Piscean incarnation of the zodiacal cycle it is less of a big deal. Pisces instinctively knows that this earthly realm is very, very unstable and over in the blink of an eye.
Out of all the zodiacal signs, it is generally believed that Pisceans are the most psychic. In their watery psyches, I believe that they can sense the endless tentacle of beginnings and ends and perhaps the next reincarnation or galaxy or underworld is right around the corner. Often they believe in parallel universes, strange religious orthodoxies, magic and the like.
Pisces is intuitive, no doubt just like Cancer and Scorpio, and these signs can be healers because somehow they can feel things that the rest of the signs simply can’t. I might say that the mutable Piscean, though, really tends to rely on other worldly associations in order to understand the here and the now of this earthly existence. They are compassion personified. As a double Libra myself, I always try to figure things out logically without the use of messy emotions; I am reluctant not only to have feelings, but also to trust them! Not so with a Piscean. They simply ooze feelings and fancies building faerie castles in the air or future retirement cottages on Floridian beaches. The scenarios depend a bit on gender and family background, but nevertheless, both genders dream and dream and dream! And then they have those emotions rushing through their systems. Some of them can manage to make quite a living through this skill of dreaming. Here is the juncture at which I will name drop.
One of my wife’s friends is dating the artist and cartoonist Harry Bliss of, among other, New Yorker fame. I have had the opportunity on numerous occasions to observe his sketch pads that are left around. There is no doubt that this Pisces man is brilliant. He is able to dream up incredibly original humor ideas and his sketches support his work wonderfully. The beauty or curse perhaps is that I have heard from my wife’s friend that he is always working, yet his work involves plenty of time spent on thinking and dreaming, channeling, imagining …you name it. Here we have an incredibly talented and successful male Piscean who seems to be the work ethic personified. His actual work, though, consists of dreaming and conjuring things up!
My current mother-in-law is “into real estate” and the network marketing company “Market America”. She is a sales dynamo and is constantly pushing forward toward new ventures. In addition to being a compassionate person, what seems so Piscean about her is her belief in her belief. She continues to grow her business and in return continues to believe in growing her business and in return continues to believe in growing her business through growing her business ad infinitum. I am sure that you get the point. Pisceans generally believe in many things and focus upon going in the directions of these beliefs. Pisceans need to believe in something and to feel their beliefs taking form no matter how otherworldly these beliefs may be. Pisceans absolutely need to dream and to believe in these dreams. These imaginative pathways can take the form of religion, art, music, poetry, the occult – you name it!
Normally I hate to end on a somewhat tragic note, but two Pisceans who had difficult journeys come to mind immediately: Kurt Cobain and Elizabeth Taylor. As most of us know, Cobain single-handedly created a small encyclopedia of songs that would forever describe grunge and “the Seattle sound”. Nirvana’s first release “Bleach” was famously recorded on low-end recording gear – yet the sound was revolutionary enough to create an entire cycle of back to basics music making in the early nineties! Teens and 20-somethings around the world, regardless of age loved the raw emotionalism of Cobain’s dissonant guitar and screeching lyrical delivery. This was that ethereal pure Piscean emotionalism sung over David Grohl’s demonical drumming. This emotional avalanche crossed all cultural boundaries and provided Cobain with international stardom.
In one of the first astrology courses I ever took one of the mystery charts we examined was his and it was all full of water signs! There was hardly an earthly body to Cobain – he was simply flooded in emotions 24/7 365. If anyone has heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit” – it is apparent how powerful and innovative were the soul springs of Kurt Cobain. His music simply oozed despair and rage … and obviously heroin made it easier for him to continue to exist with all that feeling – not so when the withdrawal pains were to be endured and as we all know, he ended up taking his own life.
Kurt Cobain goes down in history as, I think, a truly Piscean figure – there is creativity, fame, music, pain, and a steady stream of emotion that created the phenomenon that was Nirvana. As a strange poetic twist to the saga of this band – its existence in time is easily summed up in its name “Nirvana”. Certainly an ultimate transcendence was achieved through the band’s music, but there can be no doubt that a true nirvana might have contained some elements of peace and tranquility.
Liz Taylor seems another apt Piscean worthy of study. Her beauty and allure are perhaps not necessary to go into – those big liquid fish eyes are legendary as is her supple figure; the more interesting fact to go into might be the fact that she has been married seven times. This is perhaps typical Piscean behavior – the double fish wants to believe that a perfect thing is possible and desired even after all experience seems to show otherwise. I believe that Ms. Taylor married Richard Burton twice (at least), but always the marriage would end. Throughout these relationships always Liz wanted to believe in that undying love, yet, there was very little staying formed; instead, the marriages dissolved like road side puddles that eventually dry up in the light of the visible daytime sun that inevitably the coming of spring produces. Watery love affairs look very different in the clear light of a hot day.
I would be remiss not to mention that Mardi Gras will take place during the time of Pisces. And please consider the connections in New Orleans towards this sign: the flooding of New Orleans, the abundance of music, alcohol, sex, and religion in New Orleans. Though New York might boast these same things (with the exemption of the flooding), something as unique as voodoo culture surely is only typical of New Orleans and not so much part of any other American city.
So here I end with a challenge to all you Pisceans or Pisces aficionados. In this month’s picture we see my wife and two of her sexy friends – the three women are all water signs and represent the three signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, so here is my challenge to you – can you pick out the Piscean?
To begin from my personal experiences with Pisceans, it is interesting to note that I have had two Piscean mother-in-laws and one Piscean father-in-law. One could argue that this is coincidence, but I like to think that it is to teach me something. The first father-in-law of sorts was an older Finnish guy and he and I did plenty of fishing together. Clichéd as this may be – the man loved the water and fishing. We labored many years together to catch that perfect bass and after it was finally caught, his health began to fail and he soon passed away.
Unfortunately, I never got a chance to meet my other father-in-law because he passed before my time, although I have seen video footage of him.
OK, so these moms-in-law both have dead husbands, yet they go on in life with happy vitality albeit their lonely moments. Women usually outlive men, which should render the whole grieving thing about the inevitable nonsensical (or “illogical” as Mr. Spock would say), but alas wives will of course grieve for that which has passed away. My sense of these Piscean widows is that they are able to grieve heavily and then to move on. Deaths of loved ones to them are painful, but I am inclined to think that in their final Piscean incarnation of the zodiacal cycle it is less of a big deal. Pisces instinctively knows that this earthly realm is very, very unstable and over in the blink of an eye.
Out of all the zodiacal signs, it is generally believed that Pisceans are the most psychic. In their watery psyches, I believe that they can sense the endless tentacle of beginnings and ends and perhaps the next reincarnation or galaxy or underworld is right around the corner. Often they believe in parallel universes, strange religious orthodoxies, magic and the like.
Pisces is intuitive, no doubt just like Cancer and Scorpio, and these signs can be healers because somehow they can feel things that the rest of the signs simply can’t. I might say that the mutable Piscean, though, really tends to rely on other worldly associations in order to understand the here and the now of this earthly existence. They are compassion personified. As a double Libra myself, I always try to figure things out logically without the use of messy emotions; I am reluctant not only to have feelings, but also to trust them! Not so with a Piscean. They simply ooze feelings and fancies building faerie castles in the air or future retirement cottages on Floridian beaches. The scenarios depend a bit on gender and family background, but nevertheless, both genders dream and dream and dream! And then they have those emotions rushing through their systems. Some of them can manage to make quite a living through this skill of dreaming. Here is the juncture at which I will name drop.
One of my wife’s friends is dating the artist and cartoonist Harry Bliss of, among other, New Yorker fame. I have had the opportunity on numerous occasions to observe his sketch pads that are left around. There is no doubt that this Pisces man is brilliant. He is able to dream up incredibly original humor ideas and his sketches support his work wonderfully. The beauty or curse perhaps is that I have heard from my wife’s friend that he is always working, yet his work involves plenty of time spent on thinking and dreaming, channeling, imagining …you name it. Here we have an incredibly talented and successful male Piscean who seems to be the work ethic personified. His actual work, though, consists of dreaming and conjuring things up!
My current mother-in-law is “into real estate” and the network marketing company “Market America”. She is a sales dynamo and is constantly pushing forward toward new ventures. In addition to being a compassionate person, what seems so Piscean about her is her belief in her belief. She continues to grow her business and in return continues to believe in growing her business and in return continues to believe in growing her business through growing her business ad infinitum. I am sure that you get the point. Pisceans generally believe in many things and focus upon going in the directions of these beliefs. Pisceans need to believe in something and to feel their beliefs taking form no matter how otherworldly these beliefs may be. Pisceans absolutely need to dream and to believe in these dreams. These imaginative pathways can take the form of religion, art, music, poetry, the occult – you name it!
Normally I hate to end on a somewhat tragic note, but two Pisceans who had difficult journeys come to mind immediately: Kurt Cobain and Elizabeth Taylor. As most of us know, Cobain single-handedly created a small encyclopedia of songs that would forever describe grunge and “the Seattle sound”. Nirvana’s first release “Bleach” was famously recorded on low-end recording gear – yet the sound was revolutionary enough to create an entire cycle of back to basics music making in the early nineties! Teens and 20-somethings around the world, regardless of age loved the raw emotionalism of Cobain’s dissonant guitar and screeching lyrical delivery. This was that ethereal pure Piscean emotionalism sung over David Grohl’s demonical drumming. This emotional avalanche crossed all cultural boundaries and provided Cobain with international stardom.
In one of the first astrology courses I ever took one of the mystery charts we examined was his and it was all full of water signs! There was hardly an earthly body to Cobain – he was simply flooded in emotions 24/7 365. If anyone has heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit” – it is apparent how powerful and innovative were the soul springs of Kurt Cobain. His music simply oozed despair and rage … and obviously heroin made it easier for him to continue to exist with all that feeling – not so when the withdrawal pains were to be endured and as we all know, he ended up taking his own life.
Kurt Cobain goes down in history as, I think, a truly Piscean figure – there is creativity, fame, music, pain, and a steady stream of emotion that created the phenomenon that was Nirvana. As a strange poetic twist to the saga of this band – its existence in time is easily summed up in its name “Nirvana”. Certainly an ultimate transcendence was achieved through the band’s music, but there can be no doubt that a true nirvana might have contained some elements of peace and tranquility.
Liz Taylor seems another apt Piscean worthy of study. Her beauty and allure are perhaps not necessary to go into – those big liquid fish eyes are legendary as is her supple figure; the more interesting fact to go into might be the fact that she has been married seven times. This is perhaps typical Piscean behavior – the double fish wants to believe that a perfect thing is possible and desired even after all experience seems to show otherwise. I believe that Ms. Taylor married Richard Burton twice (at least), but always the marriage would end. Throughout these relationships always Liz wanted to believe in that undying love, yet, there was very little staying formed; instead, the marriages dissolved like road side puddles that eventually dry up in the light of the visible daytime sun that inevitably the coming of spring produces. Watery love affairs look very different in the clear light of a hot day.
I would be remiss not to mention that Mardi Gras will take place during the time of Pisces. And please consider the connections in New Orleans towards this sign: the flooding of New Orleans, the abundance of music, alcohol, sex, and religion in New Orleans. Though New York might boast these same things (with the exemption of the flooding), something as unique as voodoo culture surely is only typical of New Orleans and not so much part of any other American city.
So here I end with a challenge to all you Pisceans or Pisces aficionados. In this month’s picture we see my wife and two of her sexy friends – the three women are all water signs and represent the three signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, so here is my challenge to you – can you pick out the Piscean?