When I think of a single recording that I have played over and over again, I think of the Robert Johnson collection. I tried to learn several of his songs over the years, but of course I could never learn to
really play them. At the time I was living for playing the guitar and I was a young man still thinking that I was going to be something on the instrument. Strangely, I didn't really know anything about astrology at the time and I was intrigued to learn just today that Johnson was a Taurean. With those spidery fingers and wolfish throat shoutin' and moanin' the blues, I can't think of anyone who created more of a path to follow in blues, rock and folk styles than did Johnson. In a prior post I discussed Aries men as seemingly yielding a tremendous crop of famous lead guitarists. I am not sure how Johnson fits into this, then, as a Taurus. Perhaps it was his connection with the land and dirt of the Mississippi delta that was his fuel for creating his musical fire. Time spent walking down dusty roads at the crossroads is a basic physically grounding act that no doubt resonated in his short 27 years engaged in the creative process. He did really create an encyclopedia of emotional "country" music and it would be a crime not to have him stand as one of the most notable Taureans ... ever. RIP Restin' in the blues.
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