Rather than talk about Leo exclusively during this month of the lion (at least until the 23rd of August) as I rightfully should, I will be continuing to talk about the strange connections between Cancer and Leo natives. This particular dynamism has become evident to me recently mostly by way of the media’s highlighting the life of the late Julia Child with the opening of the new Meryl Streep film, in which Meryl plays the 6’’2 pre-Internet cuisine impresario. Also, in a recent New York Times Sunday Magazine column, Michael Pollan discusses Child as being the real thing in the sense of her being a superb chef who relished her craft above media coverage and endorsement deals; she got her hands dirty and enjoyed it.
My interest in Child has more to do with her sun sign in that she was a Leo native yet her extreme passion for food was stated in her own words as:
“My favorite thing is eating.”
This kind of thinking would seem to have a significant connection to the sign of Cancer, which essentially is the quintessential sign of both nurturing, appetites and … well … emotional eating!
Last Friday I was speaking with a former neighbor who is also a New England Culinary Institute chef and instructor. What was interesting to note was that she is a Leo, yet her love of food really seems Cancerian somehow (and I don’t know her chart, so I can’t comment on the luminaries, etc.). Chef Sara also had the opportunity to actually cook for Julia Child some years ago, so I became intrigued as I noticed the connection once again between Leo and Cancer. Two Leos went gaga over food – where was the Cancerian in the room? Does there need to be one?
As in last month’s blog entry as to which is the true sign of high summer, Cancer or Leo, there is a definitive association between Cancers and Leos involving hot weather, food, sunshine and the nurturing of the young.
Another association between these two summer signs becomes illustrated as we examine the Cancerian nature of the moon landing (the moon –duh!), yet Neil Armstrong of said fame is a Leo. I may go as far as saying that there is an association between deep appetites and ego-based splendor. And why not? The sun and the moon remain in an intense relationship that essentially dictates our life here on earth. It would seem quite reasonable, then, to see how clearly Cancer and Leo remain connected; it as though together they make an original force with tremendous power. After all, they are the sun and the moon!
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